January 01, 2013


IT'S OFFICIAL! Wear Abouts is finally 1! I've spent many hours a week updating and working on this blog and I am so glad that the hard work has all paid off. In it's first year, Wear Abouts has moved from WordPress to Blogger, lost 200 google friend connect followers due to a problem with WordPress, and gained 470+ followers back after the switch. Although I haven't been able to visit your blogs as much with school in session, I hope that will change this year and I hope that you'll stay with me as Wear Abouts continues on it's journey!
Here's to another great year!

Happy Birthday, Wear Abouts, and Happy New Year, everyone!

The following are my favorite outfits from 2012. Which is your favorite?


  1. aw happy birthday to your blog rory!! and happy new years!! look forward to seeing much more from you in 2013! :)


  2. Woah, totes amazing, I really love all those looks, especially the printed skirt with words on it, and love that you've kept the background consistent so people focus on the looks more. Loves it! I've just did a "tutorial" post on the three main ways to work the shoulder bag strap + outerwear style, tell what you think ;)

    xx The Provoker

  3. happy birthday to your blog! congrats on your progress :) happy new year!
    xx mili


  4. Happy blog anniversary! :)

  5. love your outfits and photos! one of my favorites is the second to last with the tall brown boots and patterned dress. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I'm your newest follower :)

  6. Wonderful! I love all the outfits and I really like your blog, I'm following!

    Happy New Year and Congrats!


  7. love all your outfit ! lovely style!

    wanna follow on facebook and twitter ?

    Elegantesque Blog

  8. followed back on GFC hope you'll follow on other social network!! wish you an happy new year !

    Elegantesque Blog

  9. Amazing skirt on the 1st photo! Hope you had a nice year, I really like your blog by the way, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?
    kisses and have a nice day,


  10. Beautiful post. You looked amazing in these outfits.


  11. this post is so great! love it!!!


  12. Happy birthday dear Wear Abouts blog! Haha, you've certainly grown this baby Rory, and it's always been one of my favorite reads. So glad I got to know not just your style, but YOU. You are a lovely girl inside and out :)
    And pff, seriously, asking me to pick a fave outfit? Not fair!
    Although I have a certain penchant for every single galaxy print item you wore <3
    Happy New Year btw!

    Trendy Teal

  13. beautiful outfits!!! ;)love your blog!
    new SHEINSIDE GIVEAWAY here!! http://blogcashmeremafia.blogspot.com.es/2012/12/sheinside-international-giveaway.html
    ;) kisses


  14. hey there. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 too :)
    thanks for nice comment on my blog
    thanks for following me, and for sure now i'm following u too!
    anw, happy 1st aniv, i really adorable the way you dress up and thats why i'm following you now :)
    have a great year ahead!


  15. you have such a unique sense of style! looks great on you xo

  16. Congratulations for making it through 365 days of blogging Rory!
    Happy very belated 1st birthday to Wear Abouts!

    It seems absolutely crazy that your blog is only 1 year old. You've somehow managed to put up 200 posts while also garnering 500+ followers on GFC alone. Those stats are phenomenal, especially taking into consideration the fact that each of your posts is of amazing quality and every single one of your followers is very well deserved.
    While my blog shares the same birthday as yours (birthday buddies!), I can only wish that my statistics could be as good as yours. You must teach me your tricks!

    Even though I may just be a tad bit jealous of you (actually, I can't be jealous of someone who deserves this so much!), I'm beyond proud to be one of your followers. Hopefully, I'll be able to call you a blogger friend someday as well! I haven't been following you since the inception of your blog but I have been following for quite some time now. I'm looking forward to the day when I can say that I knew you from the beginning, even before you got super famous! :)

    Here's to your blog and to many more awesome posts and well-deserved followers to come! <3



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